1948 Cedrus Yearbook

Seadefe eoaacit Edington, Watkins, Mullen, Potts, Maslar, Rudy, Harkins, Kennedy. Not pictured:. Preston, Sheley, Troute. Another organizationto resume activity Ohio colleges. One new responsibility ac- during the school year of 1947-48 is the cepted by the Cedarville College Council Student Council. Each class elected repre- was to sponsor each Monday's assembly. sentatives to the Council in September, of- A committee prepared a calendar of pro- ficers were picked,and plans for the annual grams to be presented by the student or- Homecoming were begun. A parade, presen- ganizations and the plan was followed suc- tation of the queen and attendants at the cessfully. The Student Council was also Homecoming football game, and a semi- instrumentalin reviving the Cedrus by poll- formal dance were sponsored by the Coun- ing the student body for prospective pur- cil for the day's program. chasers. To determine the functions of typical Carl Watkins served as president, student government groups, a survey was William Troute as vice-president, and Mar- made of the work done by them in other garet Sheley as secretary-treasurer. 22