1948 Cedrus Yearbook

gestecoftherf One of the most colorful events of the school year at Cedarville is Homecoming Day, observed in 1947 on October 4. Pleasant weather, a beautiful queen, and a football victory combined to make the day a success. A parade from the college to Cox Field began the program. During half- time of the homecoming game the queen, Mrs.Jay Check,and her attendants, Mrs. Carl Watkins and Miss Beatrice Knecht were introduced to the alumni. An alumni banquet was held in Alford Memorial Gymnasium in the evening and the annual homecoming dance ended the day'sfes- tivities. The queen and attendants were elec- ted by student votes. Mrs. Check is a freshrnan in the education depa.rtmentand Cedarville's only woman veteran. Mrs. Watkinsis a senior, Miss Knecht a soph- omore. Zezefet Ay,