1949 Cedrus Yearbook

FIRST ROW: McLaughlin, Rife, Sipe, Powell, Emshwiller, Rutan, SEC OND ROW: Begley, Wilburn,Free,Dailey,Coleman. THIRD ROW:Shaffer,Rowe, Pri ce, Bodiker, Professor Huish. J he c2)rainctlicJ eta The Cedarville College Dramatics Club is one of the most active organizations of the campus. A class is conducted that considers various plays and selects three for presentation. During 1948-1949 the group produced the popular comedy, "Dear Ruth", J. B. Priest- ley's "Laburnum Grove", and "Thunder Rock" by Robert Ardrey. The club also participated in convocations. THE CAST OF "DEAR RUTH" Lt. Seawright K. Wilburn Ruth Wilkins Joan Sipe Albert Kummer P Klontz R Coleman Sgt. Vincent J. Price N Emshwiller G Powell Judge Wilkins K Dailey Mrs. Wilkins C Collins Miriam Wilkins E Rutan Harold Klobbermeyer Martha Seawright Dora