1949 Cedrus Yearbook

FIRST ROW:Carrie Cullum,Naomi Conner, Ruth Devoe, Joanna Bryant, Viola Thurman, Eloise Rutan. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Carlsen, Rosemary WC.A. Elam,Phyllis Bryant,ha McLaughlin, Geraldine Powell, Mary Stormont. THIRD ROW: Joan Sanderson, Joan Sipe, Marie Fisher, Charlotte Col- lins, Ann Elzey, Kathleen Evans, Eleanor Weismiller. The Y. W.and the Y. M.are two religious organizations on the campus. They both have been active this year with several joint meetings to promote the broadening of interests. The Y. W. opened its school year with a Big & Little Sister Tea. It had its annual Committal Service and will climax its activities with the Mother-Daughter Banquet. The Y. M. has had similar activities and its meetings have been interesting with each member profiting from them. Y. M. OFFICERS Pres. - Paul Bagley V. Pres. - George Watt Sec. - K. Dailey Chaplin - Joe Price Faculty Advisor - Mr. Carlsen Y. W. OFFICERS Pres. - E. Weismiller V. Pres. - C. Collins Sec. - Ruth Devoe Treas. - Marie Fisher Faculty Advisor - Mrs. Carlsen Rev. Carlsen, Harmon Lum, Billy Lewis, Paul Fiedler, Paul Begley, Robt. Coleman.SECOND ROW: George Watt, Joe Price,Myers Bost, Jim Shaffer, Jim Rowe. 25