1949 Cedrus Yearbook

MCCORKELL INSURANCE AGENCY For all your insurance needs Cedarville, Ohio Phones 6-2141 6-1881 U can stretch ur $ by buying ur dry goods, clothing, shoes and notions from us Also the Best Auto Insurance and Ouickest Service in Greene County HOME CLOTHING COMPANY Cedarville, Ohio G. H. Hartman, Prop. Milk Ice Cream Butter Cheese In Cedarville, visit CONFARR'S PANTRY IF ITS BORDEN S ITS GOT TO BE GOOD' Springfield, Ohio THE XENIA NATIONAL BANK 1835 Our Second Century Of Banking 1949 Capital Surplus and Reserves $600,000.00 You are never a stranger after your first visit to our bank THE XENIA NATIONAL BANK Corner Main and Detroit Xenia, Ohio Phone 3-9711 81