1950 Cedrus Yearbook

1ST ROW: WRIGHT, CARPENTER, SNOWDEN, STAGGS, HAMMOND, WISECUP, WAITE, KLONTZ, HOWARD WISE-FACULTY ADVISOR. 2ND ROW: PuRoom, SWARTZ, STANLEY, TOWNSLEY, BRADBURY, ULSH, WILBURN, RADAR. 3RD ROW: MOORMAN, KING, HUFFMAN, PETERS, PICKENS, FRANCIS, THOMPSON. NOT PRESENT: WAGNER, LONG, GENTILE, FRENCH. The Chi Mu Delta Fraternity has com- pleted another active and successful year at Cedarville College. This organization which wasfounded in 1941 has distinguished itself socially and scholastically during the past school year. A Hallowe'en Carnivaland a Spring Formal dance which completed the Cedar Day activities were the most important social events sponsored by this group. Through the year the Chi Mu Delta worked with other organizations to improve re- lationships and conditions at this college. The fraternity has kept in contact with alumni members and welcomedthem back to special meetings and various college events. Kenneth Huffman has served as presi- dent of the Chi Mu Delta during 1949-50. Roger Ulsh was vice-president; Kenneth Wilburn, secretary; John Townsley, trea- surer; Dave King, sergeant-at-arms. Chi M.Alfa 28