1950 Cedrus Yearbook

Mr. Carlsen, Jim Shaffer, Paul Fiedler, Meyers Bost, Ted Sutton, Bob Miller, Keith Ward. y.97n.e.A SEEKERS OF THE TRUTH The Young Men's Christian Association strives to strengthen and nourish Christ- ian character in the men on the campus. Its members seek to cultivate the physical, the mental and the spiritual sides of life. Devotional and business meetings are held alternate Thursday evenings in the chapel with competent student leadership. The Y.M.C.A. joins the Y.W.C.A. to provide entertainment for students who remain on the campus over weekends. "Game Night" is a regular Firday evening feature held in the Recreation Hall. The officers are: president, Hugh Ab- bott; vice president, David Van Tress; secretary-treasurer, Ted Sutton; devo- tional chairman, Keith Ward; advisor, Mr. Carlsen. Game Night 33