1950 Cedrus Yearbook

R V,Ltt RV/t 4,; R ,0 0.PW( 44, FIRST ROW: DUNN, SHumATE, JUSTUS, WISECUP, HUNT ER, TOWNSLEY, FIFE. SECOND ROW: DUNLAP, NOCK, HILDRETH, ULSH, HuFFMAN. THIRD ROW: COE, MCNU LTY, RADER, EVANS, WEImER, COACH BEATTIE. Jela /I 950 Thirteen men from last year's base- ball squad returned to face a tough nine- teen game schedule. They managed to compile a very respectable record for the season. Most of the pitching was done by Townsley,Weimer,Evans, and promis- ing freshman, Bill Fife. The team for the season consisted of: Hildreth and Spichty, catchers; Huffman, first base; Shumate and Wisecup, second base; Dunlap, shortstop; Nock,third base. In the outfield were: Justus,Ulsh,McNulty, Rader, Dunn, and Coe. Next season an all new team will be wearing our uniforms as there were eleven men playing their last season for Cedarville College. Those who have com- pleted three and four years on the base- ball nine are: Rader, McNulty, Hildreth, Townsley, Ulsh, Wisecup, Weimer, Dun- lap, Huffman, Justus, and Nock. This will be a great loss for Cedarville as these men have made the baseballteam respected by many. Don Nock