1951 Cedrus Yearbook

/ D. Dr. aa /,atior p/ogram VaYbli te yroing Day trustees' &se arede Gavle, Iege st tbeAngus' \ma - 1t6clott, eliencktlbS was eecer ° of the P4311/1t v ip,c24 his keen interest, many hours Dr. atia Viet et, Ohio, . Bites issue. Ynal"s gael,t .0%,„,eg er-B ug We sincerely thank Professor Howard Wise for Vice-Vre , IA of service, and suggestions in the printing of each • • \_,.,"1.445.1, ls •-- ,,,T ge - r -..-s- average ,e ills a— 1/15- • C IIIIS SIMCIel*eastvi• • bit 1 Tcloved to \baina 19 bolls'" Vilth sVeclal -e/class-\C• be Is _t1t5Vt°arYabllut:g.h-1;1)11sr:sibItilter:ael-a° •,....,... c.- _ ,U., 5.10.:0,3,4.•.\2. 01toyr a chplgrellyear2,031051.n021 :savi,ilbbeaelotsauTs.isil tco egelebvaer(1bZ 11 ,1s3.iu't•l-l:y111 eilTt 'etiltlbie I ac several birsID ssA .51 ablee"uIV'aagT°T;adt7-11°171 left to right: Nancy Guilfoyle, Frank Zirble, Wayne Stevens, Imogene Schrivner, Jack Bellville. Standing, left to right: Jim Shaffer, Howard Wise, Paul Dunn. re lay g ea oT mot came' — E. 14. miller - College a iNks resIg ce The "Whispering Cedars" is Cedarville College's newspaper. It published every two weeks, in the interest of the college, it's student body, alumni, and friends. This is the third year of publication and since it's start the paper has made great strides in bringing to its many readers a steady flow of news and features as they happened here on the campus. It is the aim of the staff to report these items in a non-biased and tactful manner. volume 111 • • to elect a queen for Bomecont- Mg. There is not much titne te- There will be s. mee ith a little bard vill corning Day• All organizations a to enter floats in the Bornecorn- - There dance . the • day parade. mg cea,Tvme' •taxa* tesitus • tclela reeining eyeybo •51 tit nese- eve a Naylotet. otsvau ges In t.II.111let CUall Stall )p. THE WHISPERING CEDARS „Au be a. ,t un from Eoaltor „, by tile 17, spoesoreuveryobeal ta• Ot n61, ana it a nt Cou Les Severa seno0 '\\NI -any College \ Rules 'Revised tkon Itave revised many of the errrallte,i,o;:col;:ttlYteearat:ollolreagaier:0;raseicta:v-oen 1, regulations governin the op- is -swebet Cedarville College Student 'Publi cation September 0,1950 tiotoecoraing Day d levapotafIly SaturdaY twg but vi v success verY iteo re illy Ceclat. Alturini shlandBanquet, A.liord A hom ecom ince ial Gymng Da School Auditorium. r esident. VabluFeTN,4\Tere Seated, 411t tki vevage kcaont kialatun! aver- Whispering Cedars st,l(1 Nge 1( ester °T be Put oveSteT Dioint noxio ge, Aikp 8:d own be oat in ge'et. 4,1 cov, • Published by the student body of Cedarville College every two weeks except during vacation periods. The publication fee paid during registration entitles each student to one copy of each issue. Subscription rate: $1 per semester. Entered as second-class mat- ter at the post office at Cedar- ville, Ohio. Editor-in-cilef — Frank Zirbel Imogene Scrivner Nancy Guilfoyle Paul Dunn Garland Cox Jack Bellville Jim Shaffer Sports Ed. — Emerson Paul Klontz Business Mgr.—Forrest Stevens Circulation — Charles Baden Ackison bering t arnong his victuns. the matches are listed betel "Marie Pteher. ClaYkon, Viseman, Cedarville, June 25„1950 at Clayton, Carl Tprnbull, Cedarvill liarnilton, on 3 -01th Louise Sto tr,13ew 'York, , con, Augus nor Vieismiller, Cultice, Ceds 16, 1950 at Selm 3f• Carrie to Ralph Cedarville on A. alfton, 011.10. Da lose l'siary Vs DOI1 1•10CI, 1950 at Richrn Dorothy Sirns, )an', 'T June ,1950 at T Joan Pater, 1-1 ebster, Ilarnil '1950 at 11.arailto Geraldine P. to, V.% Vs. t Sc henec tady, 1950 st The c°lg „Inc,/ s ellen grades °I guaT Y4t, or e 2.) ,sis pate- on. peg " (Gout:oleo.