1952 Cedrus Yearbook
1ST ROW - G.Anderson, M.Lough, R.Cresswell, N. McNeal, A. Huffman. 2ND ROW - Prof. Jan- sen,P. Fiedler,I. English. ABSENT FROM PICTURE - D.Cresswell, W.Joyce, A.Glover, P.Powers, J. Hulshult. STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Student Christian Association was formed by the combina- tion of the YMCA and the YWCA. This first year has been one of organization with Paul Fiedler as president, Rebecca Cresswell as vice president representing the girls,Wayne Joyce as vice presi- dent representing the boys, Dorothy Cresswell as secretary-treas- urer, and with Prof. Jansen as the faculty adviser. The purpose of the SCA is to give every young man and woman at Cedarville College an opportunity for fellowship and service. Group discussions to deal with the problems of college students and religion were scheduled. At one meeting Prof. Ramsey gave a talk on "Science and Religion". The group also sponsored a Hal- lowe'en party and served refreshments after bonfire pep rallies. In the last semester a "Convocation Committee" composed of Pauline Powers, Chairman, Naomi McNeal, Al Glover, and Jake Hulshult was appointed from the SCA to sponsor the convocations for the rest of the year. 34
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