1955 Miracle Yearbook

V _A JJospilaf al Chillicothe •••••ow ,,fx. mooimul ,omal Ma/Maloom Imit omm ama, moo. 40,10•116 ••• maw sew aows IIIMMOOEM e alovalat MROM. tv. sow,. .11, •MM moo mo, am.•sae oak 10M.: •q am MY011.0.0.001M.1.1.Matasaal am.AMMOName=Ms=Mr BOIM 916^ =MOO ONIMMOOma =MA alMalaia WWWWWWWWW mmsoateon. WM MINIM ImMil MNOMIMMIONNOM. no , IONOIB M . ONaramm1.011 a.M.OM: Mao. •.110.0.11 et OM• 4 =MIN.0.M=MIMEN.MilrZe• miN.1OMMOOMmin.O.M., It Ma/ IIMEMMIS IMM OMa INIMIMON WMMOMM.OMMall •••••••••0 MI.1•1111.1•1•MMIN 0.3.0=M••OPOM11.11.1 "."A" MsOMR - MMIMOM OM MM.WMMIS mita a AIM MIMal MN OMR .0• SO POe 11I▪•M 1101 IN NI 1111 MOM Nom A group from the school hold services in the wards of two of the buildings each Sunday morning. Pictured at the left is one of the build- ings in which the mental patients of the V.A. Hospital in Chillicothe, Ohio live. One of the aides escorts them to the different wards where there will be special music and a message from the Word of God.