1956 Miracle Yearbook

BACK ROW: Miss Elinor Ruder, Miss Peggy Cope. MIDDLE ROW: Mrs. Arlene Franck, Mrs. Grace Watt, Mrs. Pauline Kannel, Thomas Holbrook, Thomas Francis. FRONT ROW: Burley Combs, Eugene Perry, James Perry. NOT PICTURED: Miss Bernice Mick. Classes were held each Monday evening for the benefit of those who are unable to attend regular day school. Courses such as Bible Geo- graphy, Bible Introduction, and a book study of Acts are taught. In- structors during this year have been Prof. John Stoll, Prof. Bruce Turnbull, and Dr. Arthur Williams. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 1111w. 2:15 43