1956 Miracle Yearbook

Chairman of the Social Committee--Miss Margaret Hook Social activities play an important part in the life of a Cedarville student. The social committee seeks to give the students a well-rounded life by planning a social event for each Friday night. These events in- clude class parties, all-school parties sponsored by the individual classes, formal banquets, men's and women's open-house, musical programs, and intra-mural sports. A dual purpose is served by these social activities. They give the students a change from the weekly academic program, and these social events are a means in helping the students to plan and conduct programs and to perform in public. The social life is a very important part of our school curriculum, and it is an aspect of our school program that aids our students in becoming better Christian leaders. This page sponsored by BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH 250- West Street Berea, Ohio 68