1959 Miracle Yearbook

From early childhood ... through student days ... to adult achievement ... discovery is a continuing process of life through which each must pass. It may be through music or the scientific realm, by the gaining of know- ledge and skills in a classroom, by diligent, constant study on our own, or through the guidance and instruction from those who help in molding our lives for the future. Discovery is not all hard work. Joy, pleas- ure, and lasting friendships help to make it a pleasant experience, whether through student parties, roommates, or the exercising of our bodies in sports. Yes, life is discovery. Only time, work, and study will revealthe fulfill- ment of that dream of early childhood as it becomes a reality at Cedarville College. Here- in is recorded one year of our great discovery. 11111111111111 MIMI 011 111//111 MIN 111143111A: aniM E lP ssaisgai 111111111111111111111111111 /111111111111I 1111111111111111111 MP111111111 WMMOM NO I MIN.—a' - -________U 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111I u-I---- ----DMI C aleIII 11111111,111111111. MISill 1111111111111 INMIN WIN Al INN= MOM Ill 1111/11111111111111111 IIIMIMI III MOMIIIIIIIII IIINM OM IMO11111111111111 11/111/101=111/111111111111111 Mr NM 11111111111111P 111111111 .1114 Nassmistrail