1959 Miracle Yearbook

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The dictionary says that to "discover" is, among other things, "to obtain first the knowledge" of anything. We discover what existed before, but remained unknown. How grateful we ought to be that God has made Himself known through His word. The great- est discovery any person can make is the glorious truth of the Gospel, that God has pro- vided a remedy for the most hopeless sinner. What is the greatest discovery ever made by any human being? Is it geographical, scientific, intellectual? We dare say it is spiritual, for nothing can surpass the tremendous importance of a person's right relationship to God for time and eternity. If we have dis- covered by Divine illumination that as guilty sinners we may have a glorious standing before God through His Son, we have made the greatest of discoveries. "To whom God would make known ...the riches . . .Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27). This is wealth unsurpassed. It is our prayer that young people who come to this school may learn how to make a life time of discovering how wonderful Christ really is, being ,o impressed with His person that they will spend a lifetime to tell others what they have found in Him. 4