1959 Miracle Yearbook

The beginning of a year-long battle Again each Fall the new students find their way to our Cedarville campus and join with us in a new year of discovery. Cleanup Day .11111 4112111111•6111.11111.11111111.1111.11111.1.11411111.111.1111111.1 " ENIII MINUINI•muimoismiammsmos) wessem• •IMO 11111111111•111111111•1111•111111••••••••••••••■•••• 111111111•111113•111.11111111•111•EmaissmsImmo emem imM••11111111MIN swimrommum•••••• A AinWPM - 1111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 --.4_ AWN a MINIM INNS 1111111111MIN