1960 Miracle Yearbook

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us" Romans 8:37). This is the theme of the Varsity "C" Club, which strives to keep the standard of intercollegiate athletics on a Chris- tian basis. The club found last year's project— the popcorn machine— to be so successful that this year they were able to purchase a Whirlpool bath to be used in giving treatment for various injuries. Coach Bowser, Advisor; Bob Hum- phreys, President,. Dave Dantel, Vice- President; Dave Matson, Secretary; Pete Reese, Treasurer; John Entner, Business Manager; Merlin Ager, Co- Business Manager; Tony Kilbourn, Chaplain; Roy Carr, Jim Entner, Otis Stone, Naw McCaslin, Terry Zerby, Stu Chaffe, Dave Cochran, Keith Col- lett, Ted Walborn, Dave Lewis, Gary Luscombe, Chuck Taylor.