1960 Miracle Yearbook

• Foreword Knowing that our Source of light will never cease, we are sure that the pleasures and progress reflected on these pages are but a foreshadowing of brighter things to come. OIONO MEOW WMOMamMil NMIMW•WOW WOW OMWOW • Om•MINO WM IMO MOO MOONOW OMONOOtOO OMWSOWNIOWNSWIMONO Amosere mosOWNOM•ONW OM NMSIM IMOOM-OMOIMOOOW*WW1 ea. OMMIMIINNOON11010ON.ONINAMIN OWO OM IMOINIMAIIIIam,SIMSMINIImo ONOMIS WMnomIMO ONOONOINNO11.1111MOMOWOWIlrOOMOOW WOW 110111Aopio --IMOOMOID onoomoiallow fin ImmoNOWmooMEWMO OM UMWO eU.... e INOIJAZZOSOMMO-aim mow o01°:V •,. * 212:1 r 411/4.M 0, ...•osWM NtOn l e so•WM MM salr r M 4101 .6t••nO M M li M f - i••S=_.T aaw M •*TAS W m Ea m m 3 Uo o oMOMODMO OW/ eip amsusesm n mamonOMWOOMO SIMSIM NOVOIOMMOOMONO Mil ___AIIIIIM_IMIN OWINALIIIIMO WMWOO OEMMOWOWNMOMMIMIall -, ONOWMISIO ers exiiiiiim sussimainis MON MS ,,. OMR 11111011010IMO MIMS UM "* ....0114 ONOMIOOONNOM moo MOO/OWNIMX/an., *.•21*--... ONOMOWOM ONOONISMN 3 winONO •