1961 Miracle Yearbook

Paul Gathanay and Art Hicks receive an explanation in the study of Greek from Mr. Lawlor. Mr. Lawlor's Greek classes had a special treat during this school year. Rev. Spiros Zodiathes, the outstanding radio speaker of the American Missions to Greece, was on campus. He spoke to the Greek classes showing them that the Bible in the original text is so very necessary to proper inter- pretation. Our Christian education department uses both theory and practice to prepare us for Christian service. In addition to course work in Education Work of the Church, students are required to put theory to prac- tice by teaching children's groups under the supervision of the Christian Education in- structor, Miss Fisher. Dee Osborn, Nancy McDivitt, and Judy Bird play at "ring toss" at the April Fool's Party which climaxed the semester of Christian 36 Education of Youth. Ill