1961 Miracle Yearbook

STAFF Co-Editois Jane Ginz, Nancy Shimits Reporters RosaLee Albrecht, Juanita Allford, Hazel Brovont, Donna Everett, Betty Mc- Keehan, Margaret Stowell, Hope Marie Willie, Bev Woods. Advisor Mr. Bartholomew Seated, Left to Right: Juanita Allford, Jane Ginz, Nancy Whispering Cedars Whispering Cedars, a bi-weekly paper, is pub- lished by and for the students under the supervision of Mr. Ray Bartholomew. garet Stowell, Betty McKeehan, Bev Woods, Hazel Brovont, Shimits, Mr. Bartholomew. Standing: RosaLee Albrecht, Mar- Donna Everett, Hope Marie Willie. 72 —at