1961 Miracle Yearbook

Chamber Band First Row, Left to Right: Pat Adams, Faye Haas, Joyce Walker, Carole Whiting, Jim Walker, Sharon Addlemon, Bill Washburn. Fourth Row: Boren, Virginia Jackson, Carole Kuney, Darius Nutt, Dave Barnhart. Carol Zoeliner, Lyle Rose, Dan Park, Ralph Werner. Director, Mr. Second Row: John Morgan, Nancy Smith, Steve BoaIt, Phil Grant, Thornton. Joyce Grant, Sally Bender, Lois Jacobson, Bill Riter. Third Row: Dole In its second year, the Chamber Band greatly increased in number. Under the direction of Mr. Webber, the band participated in the annual Christmas Con- cert. The Pep Band, which played at all home basketball games, was comprised of various members of the Chamber Band. During the second semester, Mr. Thornton took over the responsibilities of directing the band. 77