1961 Miracle Yearbook

, ,,,,twoungrIthrii.40;;.4-07 ,, MIMS Aro Volleyball 4 +••••••• HA0/147;.14"4"/Al"PP 14,041' 44 411-141.01174,0 ' 1,1 lit! W110111111‘1111111.'1 11 111W4410114441401.4011111111111ibmv.adb. 4 • Ted Ocheltree leaps high to tap one over for the champion Bookstore team. WOMEN'S STANDING Dolly Jesse's team 9 2 Nancy McDivitt's team 6 5 Nancy Smith's team 4 7 Donna Evertt's team 2 9 MEN'S STANDINGS Bookstore 6 Bethel East 4 2 Off-Campus 4 2 Cedar Hall _ 3 3 Harriman Hall 2 4 Rife, Hall Bethel West 2 1 4 5 98 The battle at the net.