1962 Miracle Yearbook

Choralaires TOP ROW, Left to Right: Ron Mathis, Ralph Werner, ROW: Martha Ammons, Judy Couwenhoven, June Jeff Coy, Dave Jensen, Gorden Finley, Steve Nimmo, Golden, Martha Motts, Mary Cunningham, Pat Adams, Nancy Buerer, Elayne Howard, Sue Geyser. FRONT Betty Smith, pianist. The Choralaires, a new musical group on the campus, made their debut at the Alumni banquet during Homecoming weekend. They also performed at the Lion's Club benefit for the new gym, and at the Gamma Chi winter banquet. "Say it with Music" "Inch Worm" "Old Fashioned Walk" and "Long Long Way from Home" and other popular numbers are included in their program. Mr. Cooke and Miss Smith directed the group. Officers of the Choralaires are: President, Steve Boalt; Vice-President, Gordon Finley; Secretary- Treasurer, Elayne Howard, 110