1962 Miracle Yearbook

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - ELYRIA extends Best Wishes to the 1962 graduating class of Cedarville We invite you to worship with us when in Elyria. Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:50 Sunday School 9:45 AM Baptist Training Unions 6:15 PM Evening Worship 7:30 PM WOODROW W. McCALEB, PASTOR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Anderson Park Hackensack, N. J. Joseph M. Stowell, M.A., D.D., Pastor Charles S. Wilkes, M.S., Minister of Music Warren E. Simmons, B.R.E., Christian Ed. Director We believe God has a great future for Cedarville The STUDENT'S CHURCH away from home SERVICES Church Worship 8:30 & 11:00 AM Evangelistic Hour 7:30 PM Rev. A. Donald Moffat, Pastor GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Cedarville, Ohio 237