1963 Miracle Yearbook

The result of the struggle of editors, advisor, and staff members to combine pictures, copy, and theme into a yearbook which accurately and attractively displayed Cedarville College, was truly the "Miracle," 1963. The race against time to meet deadlines, the brain-searching sessions to create balanced, unified layouts, and all the little flaws that turned up at the last minute, were soon forgotten in the rejoicing which followed the completion of the job. Each year it is the purpose of the Miracle Staff, not only to represent the year's activities, but to continually make the presentation better. To find out how the Miracle rates with other colleges, it is submitted for judging to the Associated Collegiate Press. The Miracle STAFF Editor-in-Chief Margaret Stowell Business Manager Lois Bayless Art Editor Gordon Langeneger Copy Editor Sally Bender Advertising Manager Suzanne Geyser Staff Ty Bryant, Ronald Moore, Joanne Hamilton, David Norris, Bonnie Hammack, Dave Blossom, Judy Neufeld. Advisor Edward Spencer Standing: Ronald Moore, Joanne Hamilton, David Norris, Bonnie Hammack. Sitting: Sally Bender, Ty Bryant, Mr. Spencer, Margaret Stowell, Gordon Langeneger, Lois Bayless, Sue Geyser. 81