1963 Miracle Yearbook

Standing: Rayna Butler, Flo Cannon, Lois Kennedy, Peggy Nettleton, Pat Versluis, Sharon Ackerman. Sitting: Loretta Cushey, Sylvia Wing, Lynne Cayton, Jean Maclaren, Joanne Neely, Sandi Welch. Kappa Delta Chi Kappa Delta Chi, the newest campus literary organization, is dedicated to developing gracious habits in its members, so that each will feel "at home' in any situation. The club sponsors many activities which give a well balanced social experience to the members. Early in the fall a prospective members' tea was given. Other activities included a picnic, attendance at a Spring Bridal Show and the sponsorship of the Founder's Day Banquet. Standing: Betty Wall, Secretary; Judy Hartzell, Student Council; Bonnie Hammack,Parliamentarian; Miss Smith, Advisor; Judy Siplock, Social Chairman; Bette Adamson, Treasurer; Lois Duddleston, Chaplain. Sitting: Pat Micka, President; Barbara Adamson, Vice-President. 84