1963 Miracle Yearbook

Fellowship For World Missions Top Row: David Riffenberick, Gary Fransted, Gene Culley, Dave Perry, Richard Rich. Second Row: Jay Moore, Bonnie Jackson. Third Row: Janet Miller, Marvin Stephens, Julie Petrie, Betty McKeehan. Fourth Row:Pat Smith, Maxine Finley, Mollie Schmitt, Janice Addleman, Dave Prosser. Fifth Row: Gordon Griffin, Joyce Rudduck, Eleanor Smelser, Bev Woods. Front Row: Bonnie Nash, Shirley Byrd, Dennis Rockwell, Sharon Addleman, Pat Good, Evelyn Thorns, Tony Nicklas. Each morning a group of students fellowship together in prayer for the various missionaries throughout the world. F. W.M. members are interested in the responsi- bilities and experiences of the mission field. They corre- spond with various missionaries to learn of the needs and challenges of each field. Along with this invaluable task of supporting the missionaries in prayer, F. W. M. annually joins with the local church in sponsoring a Missionary Conference. This provides an opportunity for students and local residents to hear first hand reports of missionary efforts. 88 Officers President Dave Rifenberick Vice-President Tony Nicklas Secretary Mollie Schmitt