1964 Miracle Yearbook

Miss Fisher asks a thought-provoking question. CEIA conducts seminar Miss Mackay:"Files are a necessity." The principles of Christ, the Master Teacher, become the foundation of the teacher-learning process. Christian Education in Action offers the student in this department practical experience for his life work. For the club, the highlight of the year was the Christian Education Roundup in March. All the workshops were taught by the students themselves and attended by pastors and church workers from the area. The long range project of CEIA is the organization and filing of materials in the lab room remodeled by the members. Standing: J. Emerson,P. Bird,J. Rudduck,L.Sharpless,D.Dunn,J.Siplock, D. Johns. Sitting: D. Bales, President; Miss Fisher, Advisor; M. Karsnak, Vice-President; S. Goodwin, Recording Secretary; J. Petrie, Corresponding Secretary; C.Henson,Treasurer. 51