1965 Miracle Yearbook

Future Pastors' Fellowship In order to develop a fuller appreciation of the problems, duties, and responsibilities of the pastor and evangelist, Future Pas- tors' Fellowship meets regularly to discuss these subjects. Outside guest speakers are often invited in to meet with the group to relate their experiences and to advise these Christian leaders of the future. D. Curtis, D. Pritchitt, R. Rich, Vice-President; L. Dillon, W.Pierson, Dr. Williams, Advisor; M. Crampton,R.McDugle,M.Frank,President;G.Finley,J.Ogrodowski. Fellowship for World Missions Back Row:A.Davis ,L. Waite,M.Crampton,G.Taylor,J.Barker,D.Jones,B.Shearer,M.Trimble, B. Kuhns, C. Diveley, L. Corn. Second Row: Mr. McDonald, Advisor; L. Rulison, B. Carlson, J. Van Horn,B. Murphy,P.Bolan,K.Lamb,B.Zeigler,S. Tallman,J. Wood.Third Row:D.Rockwell , President; E. Geritz, B. Randall,P. Good,D. Durkee, M.Schonscheck,S. Dufford, B. McInnes,W. Geer, B. Thompson, C. Payne, M. Davie, G. Trimble, N. Earles, Secretary-Treasurer; D. Gordon, K. Kunkle, C. Brown, G. Fisher, Vice-President. Seated: S. Brittain, C. Anderson, B. Bancroft, M.Strolle, Mrs. Strolle, J. Morgan. Members ofFellowship for World Missions meet each morning to pray for the missionaries on the various fields of the world. They also undertake service projects to supply needed items to the mis- sionaries. One of their major services to the school each year is sponsoring of the Missionary Con- ference. 34