1965 Miracle Yearbook
Miss Mackay's CAMPING CLASS. WRA The Women's Recreation Association aims to promote Christian fellowship and sportsmanship among the women ofthe College by fostering an inter- est in leisure-time activities. It is also a service club that uses many ofits funds for the purchase ofathletic equipment for the school. WRA is one of the newer organizations on campus that has grown since its formation last year. Miss Kearney Front Row, left to right: B. Hess, A. Damon, C. Ward, E. Anderson, F. Bonnema, R. Grant, K. Patterson. Second Row: G. Bonnema, M. Jere- miah, K. Schwebal, B. Carl- son, B. Beikert, V. Curcio, B. Ross, V. Shepard, T. Wing, Miss Kearney,Advisor.
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