1965 Miracle Yearbook

Mr. Meissner College Choir The College choir, under the direction of Mr. Walter Meissner, represented the College on several weekend tours and the Spring tour. The choir performs the very necessary function of servingas a link between our College and our churches. T Front Row,left to right: M.Ammons,A.Cayton,M.Werner,P.Carlson,M.Searles,G.Griffin,L.Mason,A.Keim,K.Taylor,B.Millikan. Middle Row:Y.Rathfon, S. Williams,C. Wenner,T.Timmons,G.Harris,H.Loops,R.Grosh,T.Clater,K.Johnson,L.Riggs,I. Millikan, S. Bryd, M. Brown. Back Row: V. Curcio, M. Cummings, E. Johnson, D.Boyd, M.Jones, D. Nims,D. Jensen, T. Oakley,B. Griffith, G.Huber,S.Kaiser,P.Crown,D.Fulkerson,Mr.Meissner,director. 56