1967 Miracle Yearbook
We Dedicate The 1967 Miracle to Gerald "Pop"Marshall.During the past 12 years"Pop" has been a part of the maintenance department ofCedar- ville College.For part ofthose years he was the only mem- ber of the department. Many alumni remember him as the bus driver on choir tour andfor athletic teams.He is always willing to help the students . .. sometimes getting out of bed in the middle ofthe night to repairfurnaces.He keeps the school cars runningfor athletic teams,gospel teamsand 2 Mr. Gerald G. Marshall the daily runfor Central State co-op students. There is much more to a school than the academic side. A college can only exist if its equipment is kept in repair. For these reasons we dedicate the 1967 Miracle to you, "Pop,"a man dedicated to Cedarville College.
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