1967 Miracle Yearbook

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH COVINGTON, KENTUCKY Warren W. Wiersbe, D.D., Pastor *TEACHING THE WHOLE BIBLE *MINISTERING TO THE WHOLE FAMILY Calvary Baptist Church is the home of the "Whole Bible Study Course" developed by Dr. D.B. Eastep, who pastored the church for thirty-five years. The course takes the student through the Bible, book by book and chapter by chapter in seven years. Calvary Book Room,the literature ministry of the church, publishes and distributes true-to-the-Bible literature across the world. Write for free information and book list. Congratulations to the Class of'67 Cedar Hill Baptist Church 12601 Cedar Road Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106 Rev.John G.Balyo,Pastor ATTENDING CEDARVILLE FROM CEDAR HILL Beth Bennett David Vanderground James Vanderground Cheryl Wilson Gary Darrow Debbie Rouch Lois K. Campbell 221