1968 Miracle Yearbook

SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS There is a vast world around us, Challenging our every endeavor To penetrate its boundless storehouse of knowledge. The Science Department seeks to satisfy The Cedarville student's quest for knowledge in this realm. Whether by gazing at the heavens through a telescope, Dissecting a felis domestica in the lab, Or calculating the number of amperes in an electric current; The quest is made with the instruction of educators. Trigonometry, digits, logarithms, and the slide rule Belong to the world of the mathematician. With these tools, he can do a myriad of things Beyond our wildest imagination. The Mathematics Department of Cedarville Grounds its students in these basic tools. These two essential areas of study are Continually striving for excellence. DR.DONALD BAUMANN / guess so. MR.AUSTIN ELMORE Now that you have completely digested this material ... MR.DANIEL WETZEL This could get a little messy.