1969 Miracle Yearbook

Pi Sigma Nu Pi Sigma Nu is a men's organization which stands for the spirit, mind, and body of the total man. Pi Sigma Nu endeavors to develop maturity in all aspects of college life and to prepare men to face life after graduation. Pi Sigma Nu presented their annual school ban- quet on February 14 and sponsored a variety show starring their own members. The officers for this year are: Ken Muck, Pres.; Warren Pettit, V.-Pres.; Loren Hamill, Sec.; Ken Curcio, Treas.; Richard Adams, St. Council Rep.; Bob Schultz, Chaplain;and Mr.Brad Moore,Advisor. Pictured at the left and the bottom is Pi Sigma Nu's all school luau. PI SIGMA NU—Row 1: Bob Lunney, Advisor; Mr. Moore, Warren Pettitt, Ken Muck, Ken Curcio. Row 2: Bob Whattoff, Dennis Bunting, Dennis Stora, Bob Shultz. Row 3: Dave Gregory, Jim Wil- liams,Dave Draxler,Jim Jeremiah,David Southwell,Tim Hales,Rock Adams,Andy Gathany. 11 "-gr- 153