1969 Miracle Yearbook

Fellowship for World Missions honors God's command to "pray ye the Lord of the harvest that He would send forth laborers." Their meetings not only provide an oppor- tunity for prayer, but also for learning the needs of mission- aries all over the world. To strengthen the spiritual emphasis of the campus and to introduce missionaries as real people, FWM presented this year's missionary conference,centered around the theme, "A Light That Shines." This year's officers are: Dave Handyside, Pres.; Paul FWM—Row 1: S. Lathrop, D. Kemp, L. C. Zickefoose, D. Liechty, C. Morrow, B. Row 4: B. Kilko, J. Austin, E. Young, A. B. Smith. Row 6: R. Rodgers, D. Baker, Loomis. FWM& Married Students Jones, V.-Pres.; Janis Martin, Sec.; Margaret Muirhead, Treas.; Mary Ann Beitler, St. Council Rep.; Mary Grable, Prayer Letter Coor. The campus would not be complete without the addition of the married students. As a representative group, these few pictured symbolize the energy, ambition, and determination of all the married students. The night shifts, late hours, and crammed lessons emphasize their desire for an education—a desire which is often unnoticed. Shaffer, P. Jones, J. Hirschy, M. Anderson, K. Cartner. Row 2: R. Edwards, D. Kishpaugh, Mix, Advisor, Dr. McDonald. Row 3: M. Bartlett, S. Lixey, J. Miller, M. Beitler, A. Call. Moorman. Row 5: M. Vaderpughl, B. Hostetler, M. Beitz, C. Lambert, L. Olsen, P. France. B. Brown, L. Radcliffe, T. McDaniel, J. Martin, B. Rudig. Row 7: B. Smith, D. Good, S. MARRIED STUDENTS—Row 1, Sitting: Beverly Foulkrod, Ruth Vincent, Thomas Foulkrod. ROV1 2. Standing: David Rockwell, Ronald Baker,David Gregory,Bob King. 162