1969 Miracle Yearbook

\\ ondcrlul thiinj,. It t the.'fultihment ol lo c and the initiator or liappinc,NYxIt' people through.Ahought,. techng,.,- :ancl (11,reg.trcl,rack:. color.; akticlit. In thy, c.arllook. I liavc tric(1 to.,ha.r.c. thc.i..1k2oyle • .•.ol ( edmailk Collee their nto..1c.1,., action. cpirit, and \ ith the ‘‘orr(1. I -:•tried to ,Inife the mentorie, ot te\‘ ithill the ,tudent,. C011115{ei:eai..:L;i11;.kit)ii `s(1111C tirotr$•!,lir, I ii L I lt.tire• exti.pr. look' . , 1,i,t minute (11(In't ni.tkeiAIthi nijit IlL \\ ILpoppitiLLto wind In ILLpL1d ' .......... • ••• '.* • .•