1970 Miracle Yearbook

STUDENT COUNCIL The purpose of Student Council is to assist in providing a well- rounded program of extra-curricular activities, to promote loyalty to the college and to the Word of God, to establish and maintain a harmonious atmosphere on campus, and to take or recommend ac- tion deemed necessary for the good of the individual student and the student body as a whole. The major activities of Student Council this year were of a money-raising nature. The Student Missionary Project raised sup- port for Miss Spradlin, and the Student Body Project raised money to build a barbecue pit and picnic area along the lake. **--•" lAamdfahlOW 41111P1PertOMI,G Q"‘IftA ANNAN Patti France, Ken Cole, Kirk Hildreth, Vicki Tobias, Stu Walker, Carol Ann Bo, Dale Schilling, Jan Phenix, Gail Sears, Diane Kemp, Holly Wenner, Anne Kusumoto, Connie Busho, Dave Kearney, Carol Bierbaum, Dave Turner, Becky Harmon, Joyce Sae- menes,Chip McDaniel 154