1970 Miracle Yearbook
WCDR FM WCDR is a stereo, fully automated,FM,student operated radio station which exists to provide programming for the community and the campus as well as practical experience for students in radio broadcasting. Under the managerial supervision of general man- ager Paul Gathany, student manager Phil Rohler, and production director Lee Eichel- berger, the staff spins records, reports the news, and produces a variety of programs and announcements. This year, for the first time WCDR had a paid secretary which greatly increased the capabilities ofother staff members. Seated: Ginny Heal, Lyle Rodman, Vicki Tobias, Vic Lakes, Bob Carmean, Paul Wheeler, Barb Cooper Standing: Phil Rohler, Cathy Clark, Dane Rohm, Ken Cole, Diane Cockerill, Jan Hillery, Rich DeWalk, Lee Eichelberger, Dan Mead, Judy Johnson, Ellen Young, Tim An- dreanopolis,Wayne St. Denis,Carol Bierbaum,Mr.Gathany 1',
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