1970 Miracle Yearbook

Edward L.Greenwood University ofDayton,M.A. Advisor,Class of 1972 Ronald M.Grosh Kent State University, M.A.T. Student Affairs Committee Literature: Aesthetically, verbally articulatedmirror of life, reproduc- ing and recreating what man has enregistered about the whole story of mankind. Literature does not set forth for- mulas for existence itself... it gives awareness, it awakens, it gives depth and understanding of the total human condi- tion Christ came to redeem. Maturity sees wholeness and relatedness of all man's experiences. Enjoyment that be- comes insight is perhaps the greatest gift literature has to offer. Helmuth C.Poggemiller Kansas State Teacher's College, M.A. Edward E.Spencer University ofDayton,M.A. Advisor,Class of 1970 47