1972 Miracle Yearbook

David Price . quiet and unboasting he walked with us here . . never showing discouragement — always showing Christ ... constantly seeking to share his Savior, his"Shepherd of Love", with anyone who would listen . concerned that he knew God's will for his life . . applying Philippians 3:14 to himself— a pledge he and his parents had made long ago.. . saying to his Shepherd — "You sought and found me,-- Placed around me — Strong arms that carried me home. No foe can harm me or alarm me — Never again will I roam .. . Shepherd oflove, Savior and Lord and Guide, Shepherd of love, Forever I'll stay by Your side .." we cannot comprehend God's ways — but Isaiah 57:1-2 says .. "The good men perish; the godly die before their time and no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to realize that God is taking them away from evil days ahead. For the godly who die shall rest in peace." There are no"accidents" in God's purposes; the STOPS ofa good man are ordered as well as his STEPS. campus/memorial 79