1973 Miracle Yearbook

HALL OF FABRICS CEDARVILLE. OHIO PHONE: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunset Road. East of Willingbo ro Pkw. Wi l lingboro. New Jersey Rev. Gerald Montgomery, Pastor "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all." Acts 10:36 WHEELERSBURG BAPTIST CHURCH Gallia at South Streets P.O. Box 224 Whee lersburg, Ohio Robert W. Teis Jr., Minister of Education and Youth STUDENT AT CEDARVILLE: Chrys Martin BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH Congratulations Seniors! You are invited to attend Berea Baptist Church, 250 West St. Berea, 0. Roy Gibbs, Pastor Roger Salomon, Oir. of Ch. Ed. Bible School9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Evening Service 7:00p.m.