1976 Miracle Yearbook
'14111 - the first 200 years A knowledge of American history is an in- vitation to experience the accomplish- ment,drama,tragedy and hope of an in- fant nation struggling to grow up.Sturdy, determined pioneers hacked away at the edges of a raw continent and, with blunders and achievements alike, model- ed a country with a spirited nature and,a united commitment to individual liberty for every one of its citizens. Americans, great and not so great, have giver us a heritage to carry on and improve upon. Farmers and soldiers, industrialists and merchants, dreamers and leaders, are all there in two centuries of progress. But the maturing isn't finished. You'll find the boundaries of growth as endless today as when our forefathers first envi- sioned them.You can seek out your own destiny with the wisdom and judgement which comes with re-creation of the past. Your knowledge, dreams and industry will carry on through many more cen- turies of living history. bicentennial
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