1976 Miracle Yearbook
The Chess Club is a new organization on campus with a three-fold objective: to provide opportunities of play for those interested in chess,to provide instruction or help for those desiring it, and to pro- vide tournaments and matches for those who are seriously interested in chess and who are looking for good competition. The club isunder the rules of the United States Chess Federation regulations. Members of the CHESS CLUB are: G. Connors, D. Grooms, D. Quinn, S. Cost- ley, S. Poling, Dr. Scott. Missing members are: M. Abels, R. McCracken, J. Allen, D. Sandberg, K. Kerrigan, L. Twigg."LET ME THINK FOR A MINUTE" says Steve chess club Costley, as he ponders his move at the Atlantic City match. "CHECK MATE" shouts Steve Costley at the Atlantic City tournament. "ARE YOU SURE IT'S MY MOVE?" questions Gary Connors to his chess opponent at the Atlantic City, New Jersey tournament. 137
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