1976 Miracle Yearbook

phi epsilon kappa&fwm Phi Epsilon Kappa stands for "Lights in the World". Their theme verse is Phil. 2:15, and their objective is to provide fellowship and opportunities of instruc- tion and discussions for students in- terested in full-time Christian service. A few of their guest speakers have been Dr. Banks, Dr. Ben Kendrick, Dr. Henry Morrisand Evangelist Paul Dixon. F.W.M. is Fellowship for World Missions, which sponsors an annual missionary con- ference. Members also meet regularly for prayer and discuss problems of the mis- sionary. MEMBERS OF F.W.M.are: J. Dan- nenberg,S.Demoret,B.Waggoner,J. Mit- chell, B. Giles, R. Kline. "LET ME TELL YOU THIS," says Rick Kline, at one of the F.W.M. meetings. WAVING HIS HAND in expression as he tells a story is Dr. Riggs, one of the F.W.M. guest speakers. LOOKING THE INTELLECTUAL TYPE is Mr. Grier, at one of the Phi Ep- silon Kappa Meetings. MEMBERS OF PHI EPSILON KAPPA are: C. Alspaugh, D. Storch, K. Lambert, T. Henslin, S. Koon, and G.Bennett. 138