1976 Miracle Yearbook
Student Senate members POSE FOR A PICTURE:FRONT ROW(LEFT TO RIGHT) Kathy Howell (sec.), Rodney Blystone (treas.), Jim Goetz (pres.), Doug Wing (chaplain), Dean Rickard (advisor). ROW 2: Dale Annis, Marcia Houck,Dietra Mar- shall, Becky Reid, Debbie Biggs, Eileen Dugan,ROW 3: Angie HiImes,Terri Mor- ley, Dale Woolard, Chuck Elliott, Debbie Clough,Kent Amstutz,Dave Wishart.Af- ter an idea is brought up MEMBERS BE- GIN DISCUSSION. The year's last MEET- ING IS BROUGHT TO ORDER by the new president, Mark Sigmon. STEVE BOALT HOLDS THE MIKE in a presenta- tion sponsored by Student Senate. The student body's "thirst-quenching man- studentsenate ager," Lee Avery, FILLS A POP MACHINE — one of Student Senate's responsibili- ties. DON WYRTZEN INTRODUCES THE NEXT SONG in a performance greatly ap- plauded by all present.Don Wyrtzen dis- plays his talents with A PIANO SOLO. STASHING THE POP AWAY? — Sorry — just transporting it tothe dorms. 149
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