1976 Miracle Yearbook

ASE REGISTIthINSWE ' %11N0AY SEA ICES CHURC WX1,00L 1000 NIfil MILORSHIP Wak 410E1 FBI ILI PEIPII CIIICI FiftlIDEI III S. 1,111 MITTEN JUNE 4. *SI The Cedarville College Choir (UPPER LEFT) includes: ROW (LT. to RT.): Dan Wickman,K. Howell,D.Wagner,P.Gard- ner, D. Hazel, P. Wade, V. VanComper- nolle,D.Given,K.Stowe,P. Leston.ROW 2: L. Stauffer, J. Goetz,D.Rae, J. Conklin, D. Ward,D. Wing, S. Franks, K. Amstutz, J. Surso, D. Hicks, D. Annis, D. Gregory, C. Powers. ROW 3: D. DeNicola, J. Riter, M.Sigmon,S. Gazdik, D. Carroll, D. Gid- ley, A.Webber,C.Whitestine,M.Young- man. ROW 4: R. Wagner, P. Kross, J. Douglass, E. Taft, J. Walborn, C. Mally, B. Rogers, R. Goetz, M.Cowell, M.Fors- ten,L. Avery,L. Hinds."SWEET DREAMS, Dan!" A choir member catches up on his sleep in the bus. EATING HEARTILY is one of the assets to spring tours. The choir members arrive at a CHURCH EARLY TO EXPLORE before performing. "THE LITTLE BROWN CHURCH IN THE VALE ... Is this the right place?" asks Sue Gazdik. The Choralaires are a group choralaires OUTSTANDING IN THEIR FIELD: ROW 1 (LT. to RT.): C. Poskey, K. Anderson, C. Jindra, G. Nicholl, D. McMurray, B. Klimek, M. Horne, Lyle Anderson,direc- tor, ROW 2: S. Mesner, R. Eaton, K. Lojeski, J. Raber, B. Foreman, J. Mohler, L. DeYoung, J. Pippin, K. Jones. ROW 3: R. Blystone, T. O'Neal, D. Strickland, P. Miller, R. Stebner,D. Jones, B. Selden. B. Tallmon,C. Giesel, B. Miller,C. Miller, R.Luedeke. 169