1976 Miracle Yearbook

In September of 1975,365freshmen in- vaded the halls of Cedarville College. Together they endured a week of orientation that culminated with inia- tion. Two highlights of their year in- cluded choosing Kendra Lojeski as homecoming attendantand afreshmen skating party. Martha Sprano, Jean! Ward, and Rachael Smith are delighted when they READ THE ANNOUCE- MENTS that say, "Mr. Frye will not meet with his classes today." Joe Turrell OPENS THE DOOR of opportunity. The FAITH TROUP marches on. The Sonhomore class officers in- clude (LT. to RT.) Floyd Dallas, Jane Frederick, Eileen Dugan, Kendra Lojeski, Dean Scott, Lu- Ann Luers,Cindy Poskey,and Cindy Hall. 240