1976 Miracle Yearbook

• PECK 81. SNYDER'S"Am Is the only perfect Self-Fastening Skate that adjusts without Heel length ofshoe worn and the grade you want. No.1,Blued,$ No.3,Nickel-Plated,$9 00. Samples by Express,C. rem:. Address PECK da. SNYDER, Senafor our New Catalogue; 60 Illustrations of Novelties f IsaTerri CATARRH running dow lose of smell, consumption. nary treatme acure is possible,it may rapidly develop int cessful and pleasanttreatment is 3:1x... 3 It does not require ten FOR CA minutes to demonstrate the value of Carbolate of Tar, the most healing remedial agent known to science. Balsamsand Cordials ofthe mosthealingandsoothing properties are so combined with Pine Tree Tar,thatthe mere breathing converts into a dense smoke or vapor. This is inhaled—taken right to the die. parts. Noheat,no hot waster,simply inhaling or breathing i its healing power at once. This treatment is endorsed by physl everywhere,and highly commended by thousands, who have used it perfect satisfaction. FULL TREATMENT sent. SATISli TION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Address, when writing for circular. name this paper.1 -Dr.Mr CASE .li. 9 801 THE BEST mum nnn M WA Wewill arnaranteo11 work and doitcaslc In the world. Warr; clothes clean.* PROOF that As+ month. Farm aleshavegreata 153. Sampleto brated KEYS lowest price. I youraddresson LOVELL ADVCRTISCrlaITS