1976 Miracle Yearbook

313Chillicothe Street Portsmouth,OH 45662 53Court Street Gallipolis,Ohio 45631 32 N.Paint St. Chillicothe,Ohio 45601 0 "Everything For The Sportsman" Converse Shoes Athletic Equip Fishing Rods& Reels Bowling Balls A N'SHOPS Weekdays —12to9 Saturday —10to9 1201 Sunset Ave. Springfield,Ohio 45505— Tel.325-6587 ANDERSON INSURANCE AGENCY 242 N.Detroit St. Xenia,Ohio 45385 Congratulations to the Class of'76 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH "Calvary Covers It All" P.O. Box 5154 Cresaptown,Maryland 21502 (Suburban Cumberland) "We salute the seniors of'76 and also our own C.C.students; Jeff Bean,Beth Blackburn,Doug Hilleary, Desiree Kirk, Robert Lutman,Kurt Moreland,and Don Weasenforth." Our Ministries: T.V., Dial A Message,Buses, Awana and Christian School Mr.and a Mrs.Ernest Detwiler Bristol,Indiana Richmond Donaldson Geigertown,Pennsylvania Mrs.Elsie Drake Bethesda,Ohio Richard D.Durham Cedarville,Ohio Mr.and Mrs.Leroy Dyer Columbus,Ohio advertisements Dr.and Mrs.Charles L. Ellington Cedarville,Ohio Mr.and Mrs. Richard Emery Willowick,Ohio Mr.and Mrs.George Endres Cinaminson,New Jersey Richard D.Erickson Jamestown,New York 255